Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Five Christmas Wishes for the World

      Normally Thanksgiving is the main holiday in our society to think about what we have to be thankful for. I think Christmas should be, too. So many things distract us from the true meaning of Christmas; it has become heavily commercialized, and the current mindset is that the measure of the holiday is based on how flashy or exciting the gifts people get or receive are. The true meaning of Christmas is Jesus. It is a time to be thankful and be with the ones you love, because aren't they the greatest gift in our possessions? On that note, I have five Christmas wishes for the world on this basis of gifts that we have that many people take for granted.
     My first wish for the world is that violence would end. All types. Street violence, wars both foreign and domestic, government brutality, and any other kind I've overlooked. People should not have to live in constant fear for their life. Everyone has the right to life, and freedom from fear. Violence is caused by ill intention, and ill intention can be caused by a lack of perspective. If everyone took the time to see things from others' point of view, the world would be a better place.

     My second wish for the world is that everyone will be well fed. Food is in such great abundance in our country. We waste so much as a nation when in other parts of the world people would gladly go through our dumpsters for the copious waste that goes uneaten. In our country, it is thought that the greatest gifts have to cost a fortune, when to some people a simple meal would mean more than jewelry or cars. Every person has the right not to starve.

     My third wish for the world is that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. This too is a simple right that not everyone that should have it does have it. In other parts of the world, women, gays, the elderly, and certain races are all denied the same opportunities as others. Everyone deserves a chance.

     My fourth wish for the world is that everyone would be free from persecution. Whether it be Christians and Jews in the middle east, or even the unborn in our own nation, everyone deserves to be free from persecution. Persecution goes hand in hand with prejudice, which is caused by a lack of perspective. If the persecutors could see their own people persecuted like the people they persecute, it would never happen. If everyone just had pure intentions for everyone to be happy, the world would be a better place. This is highly unrealistic, but one can always wish, right?

     My last wish for the world is that everyone will be loved and that no one will be alone this Christmas. This is the most important of my wishes, because no one should feel alone. Rich or poor, black or white, Christian or Muslim, everyone should be loved. The feeling of being alone is something that no amount of money can fix. Cars, clothes, houses, possessions can never fill the holes inside. The only way to feel complete is with something money can't buy; the warmth of the love of others and our God. That's the true meaning of Christmas.