Tuesday, February 25, 2014

On the Fourth Commandment

The fourth commandment tells us to honor our father and mother. It tells us that if we do this, our lives will be long on the earth. So what do we do? What do we do to satisfy this requirement?
It starts off with the definition of a family. The Catechism teaches that a family is a man and a woman united in marriage under God. A family exists for the love of the spouses and the procreation of children. God instituted the human family, creating all persons equal and with inalienable rights, duties, and responsibilities.
With regard to society, the family is the original cell of social life. The family is where children learn moral values, learn to honor God, and begin to use freedom. Family life initiates children into society. Families should be built in such a way that takes care of the young, old, sick, handicapped, and poor. Society in turn has a responsibility to uphold the institution of the family.
Regarding relationships, everyone is a child of God. Therefore, our relationships with our neighbors are personal in character. Every human deserves our respect.
Politicians have the responsibility of upholding the rights and freedoms to have a family and to bring them up in a moral fashion, to protect the marriage bond and the institution of the family, the right to worship, the right to private property and free enterprise, and the right to medical care.
In a family, each member has certain duties. Children are required to respect and honor their parents regardless of their age. Children must be grateful to their parents as well as obedient. When the children get older, obedience is not required, but respect is.
Parents have duties towards their children as well. Parents are responsible for the education of their children. They must respect them as human beings. Parents owe children a moral upbringing.
Civil authorities have duties as well. Those in authority should do so as a service. They should also put the needs of the community ahead of personal interests. They are required to respect human rights.
Citizens in turn have duties. They have the duty to obey those in authority, but have the duty to voice just criticisms. They have the duties to pay taxes, vote, and to defend their country. Citizens have the right to disobey authorities when their laws contradict the moral order.
The political community is required not to infringe upon the practice of religion.
With regard to teachers, students are required to treat them with due respect.

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